Spiritual Life Coaching Package

6 Week Coaching Program, Weekly Sessions

Invest In Yourself: $777 $677 (payment plan of 2 installments available)

What’s included:

1:1 Virtual Sessions

  • Up to 90 minutes per session

  • You will schedule your calls on my scheduling calendar

  • Sessions can be done through video or phone call

Messaging Support

  • Between sessions + 2 weeks after completing coaching program :)

Printable Digital Workbook

  • With corresponding info, questions, tools, + space to track and reflect

Resource Library

  • Guides, tools, info, etc.

If you're interested in life coaching, please fill out the brief application below so I can understand your needs. Once I receive this, I will reach out to schedule a free goal setting call to see if we’re a great fit to work together :)

Limited spots available- don’t wait on this! :)

Single Sessions <3

Power Session

  • Single Session: $177

Power sessions are 90 minute single sessions for someone who is not interested in a program, but would like to receive my help in a 1:1 setting. These are entirely individualized and meant to provide clarity, relevant information / resources, and support to get the needle moving.

If you're interested in a power session, please fill out the brief application below so I can understand your needs. Once I receive this, I will reach out to let you know if your application is accepted :)

Not sure? More details below! :)

This is for you if…

⟡ You know your potential is greater and there’s more for you in this life

⟡ You’ve done everything you’re “supposed” to in life, but still feel unfulfilled

⟡ You don’t fit into society’s standards, yet find yourself stuck living by them

⟡ You feel like you’ve grown differently from the people in your life or like they don’t fully understand you

⟡ You feel worried (or even panicked) that you may be wasting your life on the wrong path or living for others

⟡ You feel unfulfilled using your free time on things like TV, scrolling, drinking, etc.

⟡ You feel like something just isn’t right in your life (a relationship, career, social life, living situation, etc.)

⟡ You want your life to be different, but making changes feels risky and you don’t want to lose or ruin what you already have

⟡ You want to connect deeper to your inner guidance and live according to your heart rather than external factors

⟡ You’re craving more mindfulness and spirituality in a way that’s down-to-earth and efficient (and doesn’t feel like more work, but actually makes life easier)

I’m taking you from unfulfilled and stuck

to trusting your intuition, living with meaning, and feeling limitless

I will help you…

⟡ Shift into your own unique desired way of living that aligns with your truest self (safely and efficiently)

⟡ Cut through overwhelm and leverage your time and energy to take action on what really matters to you

⟡ Feel more excitement, ease, and flow in your day-to-day life

⟡ Free yourself from doing things because of others and instead spend your time in ways that feel meaningful to you

⟡ Catch your blind spots and live up to your full potential

⟡ Feel at peace and in control of your mind instead of your looping thoughts controlling you

⟡ Learn mindfulness practices that make your life easier, not harder

⟡ Develop or deepen your connection to your inner guidance system and your spiritual beliefs in a down-to-earth way that feels liberating to you

⟡ Feel more confident and empowered to shine as the truest version of yourself

⟡ Learn and implement healthy habits to support your unique body, mind, and spirit

This is NOT for you if…

⟡ You want a quick fix for your issues

⟡ You don’t believe that the benefits of your goals would be worth making changes

⟡ You’re not willing to step outside of your comfort zone and make shifts to your habits and lifestyle

⟡ You don’t want to get honest with yourself

⟡ You don’t want someone to be honest with you or give tough love to help you with your goals

⟡ You’re closed off to an intuitive, spiritual approach

This isn’t your typical motivational fluff, 

We’re using my unique mind-body tools and my 5-part coaching system to create real change in the most safe and efficient way.

We get to the root and access the subconscious mind (which controls 95% of our behavior) to create change with less willpower and more ease.

This program is focused on personal growth, mindfulness, and making meaningful changes/habits

all while tuning into and trusting your intuition above all else.

If you know you’re meant for more,

want to live your own unique (possibly unconventional) way,

and you don’t want to waste your potential,

this is for you.

How much more time can you waste living in ways that aren’t meant for YOU when you know that life can be so much better and your potential is so much greater?


I always felt like my potential was greater, but I was busy and distracted enough to ignore that inner knowing. I went along with ordinary life, doing what the world told me I should and could do. As the years passed and I “adulted” more and more, I felt more disappointed and uninspired by life. 

In 2018, my favorite person (my younger brother, Danny) passed away suddenly. He was really one-of-a-kind. Extremely friendly, fun-loving, genuine, and pure. Danny had autism and by the age of 18, his personality was much like Buddy The Elf. He didn’t filter himself- everything he said and did was what he truly wanted to say and do. He dreamed big, declaring he would be a music teacher (inspired from School of Rock- shoutout to Jack Black) and a rock star. He researched and insisted on singing and music lessons. He was determined to make his dreams a reality. He was going to break through any barriers in his way. He impacted me so much in his 18 years.

When he passed away, it made it impossible for me to ignore my questions about life and wth we’re doing here. I couldn’t ignore the fact that I wanted more from life. I took notes from Danny. He had it all figured out. He didn’t waste his precious time and energy on things he wasn’t “lit up” by. He didn’t push himself to do things he hated. He was completely true to himself and dedicated to his dreams.

Up until that point, I had been suffering with health issues like acne, constant exhaustion, mood swings, bloat and stomach aches, joint pain, PMS/cramps, and eventually big cysts that lasted months showing up on my body. When I could no longer ignore these issues around 2015, I started my healing journey. It was the first time I realized that I had any control over my health- I was clueless and seeked solutions from my doctors, who only provided quick fixes that allowed the root issues to worsen. I thankfully learned about holistic healing and eventually enrolled in The Institute for Integrative Nutrition. I was able to heal ALL of these issues using a holistic, natural approach. I’ve been on a self-healing journey ever since (it’s been at least 9 years now!) and I spent a few of those years in restrictive-health-maniac mode (eating restrictive diets, not going out with friends, expensive supplements, spending all my free time learning more health info…) and I’m happy to tell you- that ain’t the answer!!! The most important health practices are actually pretty simple. Also, it’s not about doing all of the things (I know you’ve felt overwhelmed by all the contradicting advice on social media!), it's about doing what’s right for YOU. Healing doesn’t require restriction and suffering. I’ve felt my best while eating all types of food, going out and having fun, and living a balanced life. My healthy habits are streamlined into my life and I only do what I truly want to do for my health. It can all be simplified.

My healing journey wasn’t just about food and exercise, but also about how I lived life. Before Danny passed away, I was an autistic support teacher who was prioritizing other people’s needs and opinions while pouring from an empty cup. The way I approached school, work, relationships, tasks at home, and social gatherings felt draining. It was like I had normalized “pushing” myself to do things I didn’t want to do in ways I didn’t want to do them constantly. That needed to change in order for me to heal, feel happy, and be of my greatest service to others.

Since it became clear that societal norms were not serving me, I decided to live in my own way. Not only am I unique as an individual, but I’m a woman. Yes, I know women make up half of the population, but the majority of us have been living according to what makes sense for men. Not only have the majority of medical studies been completed on men, the average work day is catered to men, and the systems of our patriarchal society support the nature of men. Women have an additional ~28 day hormonal cycle that isn’t honored in the modern world/society. This cycle comes with advantages that can appear as disadvantages when we try to fit into society. Women have widely been misled about their innate power. I align my life and habits with my cycle to tap into my unique advantages and honor my unique needs. I also changed jobs- trying different things out, eventually working completely for myself. I took many trips, exploring and learning more about what I truly love. I continued to heal. I invested in coaching, courses, books, and experiences. I continually unlearned limiting beliefs that held me back and replaced them with new beliefs. I worked on reprogramming my subconscious mind and rewiring the neural pathways of my brain. Ultimately, I became more and more MYSELF. Free from the burden of health issues and jobs, responsibilities, relationships, habits, beliefs and things that just don’t feel good to me. And I’ve become empowered by a healthy body, an open mind, and a life that feels energizing and exciting to me. And now that I know how to keep my cup full, I’m here to help other women who know they’re meant for more to take control of their lives, heal their bodies, and create their own unique version of heaven on earth (because we’re here anyways, so why not?!) <3

About Kristen

My Studies / Certifications:

  • Institute for Integrative Nutrition- Certified Holistic Health Coach

  • Coaching Mentorship Program- With Cara Alwill

  • Coaching Programs- With Tiffany Carter

  • Mindset Course- By Amanda Frances

  • Coaching- With Cara Alwill

  • Coaching- With Annette Ackema

  • Constant Self Study - The BEST Education!

  • Former Teacher & Special Ed Teacher Certified In PA :)