When you’re trying to balance allll the things:

work/school, family/friends, eating well, sleeping 8 hours, keeping up with cleaning, exercise, + more

& add in:

other people’s energy coming at you, the chaos of traffic, things not going as planned, etc...

it can feel really hard to focus on your goals.

Even though you know things like meditation and journaling are helpful,

they feel like another task on your already-full plate.

This POWER HOUR is a simple, efficient, and effective way to brush off that negativity

and shift back into your power so you feel in control of your life again.

I KNOW that you don’t feel like thinking about what to do-

so all you need to do is click play and put your headphones on while I lead you through in as little as 25 minutes (!!!)

It’s a guided audio of breathwork, meditation, & journaling to:

physically move energy, reset your nervous system, & shift your conscious & unconscious mind

which helps you take action that ultimately supports the REAL YOU with ease instead of willpower :)

Get free access now by signing up above <3